Wednesday, October 12, 2005


i'd just spent my last £4 on my breakfast and manolis was talking to N about language & education... i waved my hand to say goodbye and he started talking to me about language & education, i love talking to manolis so i lingered a little...

after a while he said where are you going that is more important than this? sit down... which i did, seeing the logic in what he said... i was only going to go to the park to video more sky, which i did anyway, just a little later...

he explained about sentence construction, he talked about the word investigate, refering to vestiges, and the business of looking at vestiges... as an example of a sentence he used longcat says that he is stupid which i had said a little before (and which i am)...

after all this, N was saying lesson over... manolis stood up and said after my lesson i will now do some hammering... which he proceeded to do...


1 comment:

Cosmicfunkforce said...

Which all kind of reminds me of Nakata, the old man, in 'Kafka at the Shore'by a Japanese writer. I'm half way through the book - have you read it, Mr Av Id Reader? Its lovely to finally visit a blogspot - my first - and i'm so glad it was yours; the original Blogman. And because of your influence, i too have a blogspot (though more of a single post).
Have u been composing recently, and how oh how are your lovely hands? I guess the scarf is back now its a bit fresher and chillier, though today is like end of summer; ''chaos rains'! Much love, Gx