Sunday, October 02, 2005

grace rainbow singing

so with this little blog i've gone passed the 600 count since july 24th or whenever it was... although it is a little unbalanced because of the last 15 visits i've had, 11 of them have been carol, she of friendless tag... she appears to visit me with an almost missionary zeal, don't get me wrong, i do appreciate the attention...

josiah & grace will be just now setting off from victoria on a train bound for brighton, we did the christening, we were great, really nice piano they've got at st mellitus, really nice to see them, grace truly a nutter, i'm having her next friday for the night then T (her dad) is picking her up from me and taking her back down to brighton on saturday... good arrangement, about time too that me & T coordinate a little...

this picture is little blurred but i find it so pleasing i've put it up here, grace listening to my shuffle through the head- phones that i wear in the street...

they arrived yesterday with T just as i was out taking pictures of the amazing sky... i'd been blogging i think, i turned round and just saw this amazing light coming through the rain... had to get out there under an umbrella and take pictures...
and before i'd even got out of my street i saw the loveliest rainbow, even with the second outer rim... the clouds really luminous... the sun lighting up the underside of them as it dipped to the horizon...

yes please...



Carol said...

That's embarrassing-but I do that:)

Nicky Peacock said...

hey what a cheek..yr not friendless, cat!

what about meeeee?


Nicky Peacock said...

hey but i first wrote to you 'cos we were both murakami and commentless. ha. fancy that.

Carol said...

Now I know I haven't visited 49x in 2 days... Or have I???
You're friend sounds interesting..warn her. I'm going to check her blog out:)

Nicky Peacock said...

you could have warned me.
i don't *want* any friends.
i'm going to lock the door.