Wednesday, October 05, 2005

full house slight cold ramble

so it's here, this moment...

the wanderer's have returned, we've even got a wanderer from outside currently staying with us, at it's quietest in the last two weeks we had three people staying here, now we have eight...

lovely to have spski back... he returned on sunday just before josiah & grace left, last night he would occasionally beckon to someone in the kitchen and draw them closer... closer, still to the packet of rich tea biscuits that was standing on the table... then he'd slowly lift the top of the packet, pulling the whole thing up and revealing that it was empty and that it was covering the pepper grinder...

only spski...

spanish M & edge have also returned (although i haven't yet clapped eyes on edge, i guess he's sleeping) from spain, M has a worse cold than me, and is very funny, aussie K is the outside wanderer and her fellow pirate (& ex-resident) C was just round picking up her sewing machine from M,

the four of us in the kitchen, me just woken up, in a towel, ave, senator says M, in her pink pajama's, the making of a cup of tea for me & C, not for M, although there some confusion, while K cooks something... it had echoes of a marx brothers routine...

G's birthday yesterday, we watched sex, lies & videotape together, she 24 now, the youngest in our household which spans 18 years... i'm tempted to add together our ages like they do in newspapers - or for prison sentences for groups, only i don't have the mental reserves just yet, maybe after another cup of tea...

that guy who got sentenced for complicity in the 11th of september attacks, apparently he got 30 years of so, the prosecution wanted him to get something like 72,000 years...?

ok, i'm rambling, saw P and she cut my hair & filed my fingernails (the fingernails on the tube), i went up to see her new place in hendon, as a whole the squat is not as nice as holly lodge where they were before, but her part of it is much nicer, i hope she's there for awhile...

oh and me & spski are going to see billy childish is dead as part of the raindance film festival tonight, with the man himself doing a Q&A & an acoustic set...

will be great x

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