Wednesday, October 26, 2005

dream injury new book slight cloud

i started the new york trilogy last night by paul auster, lent to me a little while ago by H my cellist, she'd thought i'd already read it and was surprised to find i hadn't, she lent it to me there & then...

the first chapter or two include some distressing images and perhaps in response to this i had a disturbed dream last night... i was talking to someone - a woman, not sure who - and she started walking away from me, she reached my window and opened it and climbed out... i live on the first floor and i was concerned that she'd fall and hurt herself so i was trying to get her to come in, talking to her more and more urgently... in the end i opened the window myself (i don't know how it was shut again) and the cold air woke me up for real as i was looking around and couldn't see her anywhere, after a short while i realised that this was because i was now awake and it had been a dream... but waking up by an open window is slightly distressing... i shut the window again and got back into bed but i found that i'd hurt my wrist slightly, a small sprain maybe or a twist as i'd yanked the window open with dream strength... nothing too serious and it's pretty much gone now.. it's possible the pain is what woke me up...

and then today i find myself under a slight cloud, partly to do with the dream - which wasn't as bad as those dreams get but was of the same quality as the bad ones... but not only the dream, these clouds come and go, nothing too terrible but worth noting that it's there...

funny that the very night i post up that celebration of my hands i hurt my hand (well, my wrist) in my sleep...


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