Saturday, January 07, 2006

shit and death

woke up today and the thing from the credit card people still hasn't arrived... we're at the end of the 2 or 3 working days period and we're into... hang on weren't these people really shit at sending out items the first time around?

so i've had a fresh attempt to remember the pin and now i have a prototype of what it could be... i fire up my computer... to try out the possible number...

it dies...


yes, ladies and gentlemen i kid you not... it has fucking DIED...

in a way that i can't fix... on my own... a strange burning smell that comes at the moment it dies... it's died several times now, i reset it, set it going again and it dies each time, less and less time into the booting up... always the smell...

so i'm slightly at a loss, i don't know how i'm going to go about fixing it... it might be the time to get a whole new computer, but it might not...

i have only imaginary money, although i potentially have quite alot of that...

one of the things i have to do this weekend is do some work for a friend, converting sheet music (manuscript) into MIDIfiles, easy enough, a challenge learning the tunes at first but no particular problem,

unless of course one's computer doesn't work...

so i'm about to set up my keyboard and install cubase down here in the bassment, a comunal area in this house... potentially hellish working down here with people walking in and out but what can i do?

oh and i found the piece of paper with the dark lullaby written on it, it's lovely,


1 comment:

Nicky Peacock said...

dark lullabye!?

i wanna hear it
i wanna!