Friday, January 06, 2006

remembering or not

once i got my credit card a few months ago i used it only for awhile in september/october, it saw me through a tricky patch... it's remained dormant ever since...

so, approaching a smallish tricky patch as i was last week i realised that i didn't remember the pin number...

chip & pin...

it's all about the pin...

and of course it wasn't until i was in the tricky patch (tuesday...) that i phoned them and began the fixing of the problem, which of course takes several working days...

it has killed me trying to remember that number... a certain logic numerically that i liked and that i remembered... the first number, maybe even the second one...

anyway i'm hoping the several working days in question should end tomorrow and all will be well...

in a similar way i'm trying to remember a tune i wrote a month or two back... it was a sad tune written while G was dropping off in bed... a kind of dark lullaby... it ached...

i remember writing it down somewhere so i know i'll find it... but until i've found it it pulls at me... the rhythm i remember... the way the high pedal note fell on a slightly odd place in the bar... what that note was... maybe even the first note in the bassline...

but that's all...

and whilst this is a little frustrating it's also quite beautiful... the way the mind works... the way memory works... the tune being like one of those small islands that are hidden at full tide but gradually reveal themselves bit by bit as the tide goes out... the water level drops... the shape gradually comes into focus and then the rush as the actual remembered shape snaps into place...

if i remember the tune before i find the written notes... this focussing...



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