Friday, July 16, 2004

there are people starving in the world

there are people starving in the world and you want to put your milk into your tea...
very odd, 30p is cheap for a cup of tea, but that was odd,
so i woke up in real pain with my neck / back, having twisted right round in my sleep, dreaming of students, alternative methods of education (reading pedagogy of the oppressed before sleep), balthazara nuzzling me, (which probably wasn't a dream),
managed to get out of bed, but it hurt, took some ibuprofen and some arnica, went back to sleep, then eventually woke up strangely content. still in pain though, certain students aware of the change in my posture, last day teaching a different course today,
& i saw F last night, turns out there is a resonance between us in terms of our families, a certain quality we both have because we have some thing in common that we've both lived through,

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