Sunday, July 04, 2004

it's not easy being green triumph

a d-link wireless thing i've got going on,

which is a little fragile these days, my computer comes on, i look at the status thing by my clock, willing it to go green, "yes, here is your internet", it isn't easy being green, sing on kermit, and van morrison,

so the gig happened, (first of three on three consecutive days), and it was a triumph.

sat at one point checking out the amount of applause other people were getting, compared to my applause, and i realised that it was cool, how lucky i was to have this audience to play my music to, and that was really it, the priviledge of a listening audience,

nothing like it,

my voice started to go on the very last song, midnight, which was rocking,

right from the point at the start where i could explain my obscure landscape / poetry vibe, start the gig with to holderlin, then straight into the two complementary tunes for E, who was there, hard to hear the second one, but important that she did hear it.

right through to like someone in love with you who never arrived embedded in it, also rocking,

such a wonderful thing to have created a space where i can do that,

and bring others into it too, musicians, listeners,

i could rant all night, my mum and dad are asleep downstairs, i need to be asleep right here,


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