Thursday, July 22, 2004

completion of work so i can enter the festival vibe

so i'm @ work once more, completing a mound of paperwork in preparation for the next academic year, meeting a deadline... deadline, good word.

thinking about this work i'm doing now, how it is a living thing, and how it must be finished, become not living, be dead, set in stone, by the time i cross that line, that deadline.

i could have done this at home but i like it this way, keeping my work @ work, so when i go home tonight it's all done, killed, and i can prepare myself for the weekend, which starts tonight when S gets to me around 12:30am. then we set off for the festival @ around 7am, play the gig @1:30pm, (rubbish time to play a gig, i hope there will be an audience), then pitch the tent, see what the festival has to offer.

remembering festivals from years ago when i used to do them more, it's been five years or so since i last did glastonbury, the two consecutive rain/mud glastonbury's were my last, playing with Hotel Full of Cops, rocking beakbeat band, sitting with J, DJ, gazing at the rain and mud:

"well,... this is shit" (him)

then spanna jumped over the fence and we had a great time, spanna as straight as you like, breaking the law....

i used to get into this groovy vibe, dancing came easily by the end of festivals, where it is still always hard for me normally,

but i'm still here, this work,

i also gave a sack of cash over to my landlord today, some back rent, some future, trying to find a way through the next few months of limited income, the satisfaction of handing it over, my rent paid up until my next big pay check in october, the summer sitting there in between, poorer but freer...


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