Wednesday, September 20, 2006

from the National Film Theatre Cafe

(this is the 2nd extract from my imaginery blogging journal that updates to the web as i put pen to paper)

sat in NFT cafe, having eaten a piece of toffee cake which i couldn't afford because i spent most of my money on cocktails with my boobelah a couple of hours ago... my tea awaits me...

the woman behind the counter gave me the cake even though i didn't have enough, a little present, & while i ate that cake i completed today's difficult sudoku - the 1st time i've done it...

i started it after i left work, grabbing ten minutes by the thames before going to meet dinah... sat beside an elderly couple - she wanting a drink - he wanting to walk - she wanting a drink - he wanting her to pack her bags for their holiday tomorrow - she wanting a drink - he folding his arms - she wanting a drink -

lovely to drink cocktails with my baby - her last double show wednesday - my last chance to bring a smile & some alcohol to her work before she becomes a student next week... such a delicious brief thing... much glee...

once she'd gone back to work i sat by the river again - the beautiful september sunlight fading as i worked on the sudoku - taking occassional pictures of waterloo bridge - when it got too dark to scribble numbers in boxes i locked up my bike & explored the lowtide, lower than i've ever seen it...

more pictures... my feet very slowly sinking into the damp sand of a peninsular reaching further into the river than i'd ventured before...

then this cafe - the cake - the alcohol wearing off - the sudoku triumphantly completed - the tea now drunk -

life is good


1 comment:

felinity said...

You were on the South Bank last night? I was on the South Bank last night!

Met a friend for drinks (in a bar back towards Waterloo), and then ate in Wagamama's.