Sunday, September 10, 2006

still vulnerable

having a bleak september sunday...

it's good for music if for nothing else...

i have a lovely melody/chords thing that's come out of today's funk... and i mean funk in the old fashioned james joyce way rather than the james brown way...

i put an old tune up on my mypace... you know you can have 4 tunes up there at any one time? the last week had you can't be mine an old ballad i cowrote with some tinpan alley character (in that i wrote the words to an old jazz standard) that i performed with Hcello back in 2003... and now i've taken a tune called sleep deprivation - all mine - from my album's worth of tunes i was toting about to my friends a few years ago...

i love it, it seems that one of my 4 tunes will be an oldy most of the time... that's the story now anyway...


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