Saturday, August 05, 2006

from hampstead heath

in my mind i picture this journal that F & B gave me for playing at their wedding as a digital device, once i've written a page or two it says:

publish to your blog?

and i say yes or no...

of course it's not digital, barely analogue, but this is what i wrote an hour ago sat on a bench on hampstead heath:

taking a break from my slow monitor work - fine tuning the placement of the thames path stuff - although i have a lingering suspicion that i'm fucking it up...

so i cycled out with 50p in very small change to get milk & explore, picked a route to waterlow park that included a might big hill (do we even believe in it anymore?) then on to hampstead heath where i'm now listening to my 7th july improvisation - both fender rhodes one's have been already - interspliced shufflewise with a Howe Gelb archive/live radio show - just my luck, an acoustic guitar just struck up behind me...

finding routes somewhat @ random - both in my ears with improvisations (either 1st or 2nd week now) & also under my wheels...


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