Tuesday, September 19, 2006

gear change

after such a lazy day yesterday it was hard getting up this morning to go to work and all through the day i was swinging from focused to vague in a way that was obvious to my students... they didn't seem to object however and i gave a good lesson...

at one point i asked them to, at some point in the next hour, write down a sentence that i or someone else said... i got them to work in groups and make rhythms out of these sentences and one group in particular started with a sentence of mine that began:

ok... errr... right... now...

and turn it into a james brown style:

OK! ugh! Right Now!

i was pleased with the workshop, it's a funny one, it serves the function that another teacher takes out the students one by one to assess them, and i teach the same group two different modules throughout the year that pretty much encompases my known workshops, so not only does it kind of not matter, but i don't want to do anything i'm going to repeat later so i often come up with something just for this session... as i did today... successful, if vague...

and then afterwards i took a copy of the london paper and sat by the thames doing the sudoku, very similar to last tuesday, taking pictures of my bike at intervals to try and catch the changing light... the difficult sudoku is so hard in that paper, i don't think i've got one right yet...

popped over to the cafe near dinah's work to see her before she started her last ever tuesday working at that place...

then cycled home as the evening drew in, once more out without lights, must get used to having them with me...


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