Thursday, September 29, 2005

new jouneys

thursdays look like becoming quite a large day for me...

a three hour workshop in the morning, followed by an hour's journey (probably get it much quicker though) then a two hour workshop over here in hammersmith, then a... well i don't know how long it'll take me to get home, i'm just about to open up my bicycle map and see how far away the canal is from here...

not huge like mondays are - nor indeed by a normal working persons standards, but pretty big for me, and the classes so different... the morning with the production students, learning about harmony, organised adults... the afternoon with a BTEC class doing keyboards, mad chaos...

so i cycled along the river as far as i could to get from london bridge to here... i know there's a quicker way without really following the river at all but my quality of life is important to me... i like the challenge of this new arrangement, over the next few thursdays becoming better at the journey, both the one i've already made and the one i'm about to make (home again)...

M coming round tonight for me to put some rhodes on his tune, M who fixed my rhodes last week... glad to repay him with what i do well...

ok, not much else to say, just wanted to mark this time and place, first lesson of the new term @ hammersmith done... my working week fairly certain now, tomorrow mornings keyboard class over in southwark will be the last new thing of the term, then it's all in place and rolling along... must ring that other keyboard tutor...


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