Saturday, August 27, 2005

emotional elephant phone

this concerns friday, i know the date says saturday but i'm still awake from friday...

an emotional day for various reasons, one of which the emotionally wonderful post i read @ felinity's blog, made me almost cry...

so i cycled round abit, found myself in borders @ angel, intending to take advantage of a brief relaxing of my belt strings to buy a book of fernando pessoa's poetry, only they didn't have any...

i sat down and read some pablo neruda to myself, texting a line in spanish to catalan E...

then later on me & Ge from this house watched the gus van sant film elephant, an artistic response to the columbine massacre a few years back... a lovely film, so many long moments, so natural, yet so finely crafted, several lingering looks at the sky that i found very moving, beautiful playing with time..

then i've just spent the last 3 hours moving phone numbers from my mobile phone onto my computer as orange are replacing my handset tomorrow, a fault that i've been living with for a little while got too much this last week, and it was a really odd experience going through the numbers, whittling down 434 entries (more than one entry per person, i don't have 434 contacts... probably) to the 200 that would fit on the SIM card, there are people in my address book from back when i was in KYO, even back when i was in Andrea's band, years & years ago...

puzzling out who certain people are, for example the arabic guy i met at cork airport the christmas when KYO was touring ireland and i'd missed my original flight out there, i was wearing my palestinian rights T-shirt and we got talking, he gave me his phone number, i never rang it, it's now safely tucked away in my computer...

but it's just like me to find the light in this menial of menial tasks, too long typing numbers... i need my bed, i need a gin & tonic...


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