Monday, August 01, 2005


...but not done,

got it all cleared, just missed getting a nice picture of josiah's junk lined up against a wall, a guy from the estate started throwing it all in the bins... i mean it was pretty rough looking but my intention was that maybe someone might take some of it...

oh well, went over to the council office to hand in the keys and lo and behold there had to be a letter from josiah saying it's alright for me to do it...

so i've sent several things to her... she then has to send them back to me... then i go back to the council before midday next monday, i haven't had to trust the postal service like this in ages... i hope i can...

this means another week's rent for josiah on this place... really not what we want...

but at least it's kind of done...

i'm heading over to acton now to get my keys & travelcard, luckily there's a way to acton without passing through barriers so i can do it, albeit illegally,

my ipod ran out of juice when i still had 30 minutes of work to do in the flat, the very end of it all encased in a wierd silence, particularly as i said goodbye to each room for good, (or so i thought), i wonder if i'll actually go back in there this week?

anyway, things to do, people to see, keys to pick up x


felinity said...

That all sounds really unfun. I hope Royal Mail doesn't let you down.

longcat said...

i don't think they will, in fact though, there is fun to be had, even in the most unfun of places... can't wait to see charlie & the... x

Anonymous said...

Dear Longcat,

Please desist with these noodlings of a non-entity.


Pierre Klossowski.

longcat said...

it comes to something when a dead surrealist comes back from the grave to ask you to stop blogging x

Anonymous said...

My Dear Sir,

In the multicoloured immensity of human lives, a limitless insufficency is revealed; life, finding its endpoint in the happiness of a bugle blower or the snickering of a village chair-renter, is no longer the fulfillment of itself but is its own ludicrous degradation - its fall is comparable to that of a king onto the floor.

Kind regards,

Pierre Klossowski