Sunday, August 28, 2005

anarchy delboy

today is such a beautiful day in our nations capital, and what time did i wake up?

this so-called summer has been so short on days like this and so what time did i wake up to take advantage of it?

way too late ladies & gentlemen, way too late...

and that always makes me feel a little alien, but within an hour of waking i'd spoken to all kinds of people and arranged my next couple of days, part of society again... phew,

anyway, the main issue:

last night G got in after midnight and we played some backgammon, drank wine, and she told me about this thing...

on a well known purveyor of elctrical goods website there was an item that should have been priced at about £400 but instead was down for 49p, so i guess in fact they intended it to be £499... maybe,

so the person who'd told G about it said their brother had just ordered 10 of these items and was going to sell them on ebay, he told her exactly where to find the item on the website...

so of course we looked, and lo and behold there it was, like a jewel, winking at us in amongst a desert of sand...

so we ordered 5, 1 for this house (although it will absolutely dwarf the TV room - (for it is a TV), and 4 to sell... i wanted to order one for josiah as well down in brighton but i didn't have her address to hand, and then today i looked and they've taken it down... which could well mean it won't work, they had a clause on the website saying that if they found a mistake they could cancel,

at the least it will cause this big organisation a headache, at best we are going to have 4/5 (we might not want something that big in our house) huge TV's to store and sell on...

and in the blink of an eye i have become delboy,


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