Wednesday, July 06, 2005

duchess through a haze of alcohol

after work last friday i went for a drink with the guys from hammersmith college, got drunk talking to diagram & redeA & ended up @ the foundry where there was an odd laptop improvisation thing going...

today i went to my more regular college and did some interviews for prospective students & after that went up to WAC to observe a project being run by one of our students, a genius improvising saxophonist who suggested we went for a drink with ramjac, who was also working there tonight...

i mention last week as well because the two nights were oddly linked, diagram talking about the saxist, ramjac texting me that night about a jam session, saxist telling stories about diagram & the former east germany, getting drunk, chinese food...

anyway it was really nice, both nights, maybe get some work eventually @ WAC this summer, saw duchess on my way home, got close enough for her to scratch my hand, as that song i wrote goes:

duchess is fickle but she's fond of my caress,

not these days, fickle still but deeply suspicious of my caress, the third sighting this year, maybe we'll be friends again some day... i remember one of the verses of that song being inspired by my thinking that duchess snubbing me was preferable to certain people i know welcoming we...


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