Thursday, July 21, 2005

circus troubled libraries

took felinity to see a fantastic show @ the circus space tonight, courtesy of spski, dj & resident of birdbath road who works there...

2nd year students on the foundation degree in circus arts doing their devised graduation pieces...

i don't see enough of this... and by this i don't only mean circus, more broadly i mean performance... good performance...

and the performers we saw tonight are all good performers... which seems to be a whole lot more exacting than music preformance... the strength, and poise necessary to pull off what they did and still make it look graceful...

a few individuals stood out for me in their imagination and ability, but to be honest the whole thing rocked... if you get a chance (tickets are very few now), go & see it, there is a matinee tomorrow (thursday) and then it's each evening until saturday...

then i was looking for a picture of the N4 library here in finsbury park and i came across this piece of news (albeit news on the islington liberal democrat's website & therefore propaganda)...

this relates to a conversation i was having tonight with M, she was talking about the difference between bookshops and libraries, particularly 2nd hand bookshops, the one being elite and the other being open to all... in the sense that 2nd hand bookshops cater to a much smaller demographic than libraries... listening to this i so know that i'm in that much smaller demographic... and this is partly why i find this troubling,

i'm still angry about the closure of the arthur simpson library, i miss it, and i'm reluctant to accept the new N4 library in it's place... i probably should let go off that old library, surely if i find the N4 library not for me then the arthur simpson library was probably equally not for me... i liked it because it had strange, not mainstream films for hire... and to be fair i haven't checked out the N4 libraries film collection...

of course the arthur simpson library was/is closer, and there's nothing like walking passed a heap of rubble that used to be your library and still has the mural alongside it to keep the heart warm to the past and cold to the harsher architecture of the more central, bigger future...


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