Tuesday, February 15, 2005

tube train perfection interchange mandelbrot S birthday

mandelbrot set (applet), how nice, this is one of the reasons i when to university, trying to talk to S while blogging, really funny, i so love laughing whilst talking to him, but really i can't talk & blog.. hang on..

(it's his birthday)

"this is one of the reasons i when to university.."

i have trouble spelling sometimes but this is pretty out there...

(this is also pretty out there, found when i googled the word moment to check i'd spelt it correctly, a process i go through all the time with the simplest of words)

dr K back from down under and i had a nice catch up with her...

but i wanted to talk about the tube... briefly, and exactly the moment when the northern line arrives at euston, standing by the doors right at the front of the train, there is a corridor which leads directly to the victoria line, if there is a train on that platform i will want to run for it... the information about whether or not to run is presented to me precisely at the moment when the train has all but stopped...

as the train emerges from the tunnel i'm moving fast, slowing down... once i've got all the way to the other end of the platform where this corridor is we have almost stopped, something about slowing down and slowing down and then all at once coming abreast of the corridor, which is perpendicular to the platform, seeing directly on to the victoria line platform...

hard to put into words but an experience/ritual i really like, combining the visual/spacial/kinetic...


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