Friday, February 11, 2005

all change

it's been an interesting night, it began when i changed the picture at the top to a picture i took and manipulated, then gradually the whole look of this blog has changed... still a bit patchy in places and i really could spend all night fixing little things... learning more bits of html as i go (that's the great thing about the process, LEARNING), but P is almost asleep in my bed and i'm going to go brush my teeth and join her, regular sleep patterns win out over all night internet immersion (for once)...

thankyou to my brother D who i phoned for html help and he came through with some hints and solutions, realised he didn't even know i had a blog...? or he'd forgotten... (outrageous that anyone could forget this marvellous place, surely the whole world rests on my every utterence...)

anyway, like i say, bed..

let me know what you think of things here, the changes, if you have a thought, if you exist, if i have any readers? (i think my sister K reads me now and again)...



felinity said...

Yes I read. And I like the new look. Saw it last night when it was at an in-between stage, but it's looking lovely today.

longcat said...

don't like what it looks likes when you make a comment though.... all bright and clinical again... x glad that you read, i read you too x

trave said...

Having read some of your blog, I did actually remember having seen it before. I remember you mentioning it at Christmas, too!

Nice new backdrop, but it makes some bits (white on grey) difficult to read. Or maybe my brightness is still set too high!

D x

I.:.S.:. said...

I don't read, but once or twice I have glanced through (I'm the violent lunatic ex-husband, remember?) You will be forgiven for thinking this is out of some type of obsessive morbid stalking mentality? - Though actually I have become an obsessive morbid blogger... It's my favourite medium of online interaction... It seems we read many of the same books and websites so your views on them are interesting. And the Mandelbrot set generator was good. But that Pessoa book was one thing I could never get into. Like you pointed out somewhere, it's more like a morbid self-obsessed blog before blogs than anything else...

I.:.S.:. said...

Oh, but the point was to comment on the new look. It's very attractive. The photo at the top is... umm... nice (my drug-addled mind struggles for the time being to find an... umm... nicer adjective). But also true that it strains the eyes at times with the white-on-grey.