Saturday, December 17, 2005


just sat down in the tv room with spski and watched demolition which irritated me beyond belief and then the 30 minute combined film of the cutup tree films...

demolition could have been so good, a good premise, get the public to vote for the buildings they most want to see torn down, create an x list, like the listed buildings scheme but in reverse...

but it was so patronising, each person in it was introduced fully each time they appeared, we've met this man already, you don't have to tell me everything about him... the notion of the x list was repeated at least five times, almost word for word... it treated the television audience as though we're stupid... it was a little like a party political broadcast... it was toss... shame...

and so onto the experience of watching the tree film with spski... thoughtful man as he is... he responded afterwards with a couple of interesting things which i'm briefly noting here so i remember them... he talked about a writer called james hamilton-peterson and his book playing with water... a certain vividness of experience that this writer described through diving, percieving the underwater world in brief moments and so more intensely...

spski also said it was a little like seeing the world from different people's perceptions, this from the different speed of the different cutup films...

he also said he preferred the individual films and i know what he means, the individual ones work (if they work) because they are long, meditative looks at one thing, the longer film, combining all the individual ones isn't right yet, and possibly won't achieve the same quality as the individual ones anyway... the sequence of the cutups in the longer film need a bit of work he reckoned... i think that's right...

but i apologise people, this will mean not that much to you, not having seen the bigger picture... thankyou to trave who has watched rock and responded... just what i'm after...

a few years ago i collected together much of the individual tracks i'd been working on and concieved them together as an album, i gave this prototype album to a few individuals whose taste i liked and asked them to respond...

funnily enough my album never got passed this stage, by the time the last comments were in i'd moved on from that way of working (producing the music entirely on my own, using music software) and was starting to write music more sat at a piano... concentrating on voice and piano rather than the whole sound...

i'd like to do something similar with these films... giving them to a few people and asking them what they think... tomorrow i'm seeing quite a few old friends and i'm going to give the DVD of all the tree films to at least two people, spanna and bo, and maybe another if i can think of who... as part of the same deal i would love it if more of you good people downloaded rock, being one 5th of the whole film project and let me know what you think...

thanks again trave... looking forward to seeing you at christmas


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