Saturday, December 31, 2005


it's already 2006 in new zealand... probably many countries by now... in fact, somewhere they'll be counting the minutes right now to the moment...

as manolis says we're brainwashed into thinking it's a special night... something i both agree and disagree with, it's partly just our numbering system, an accident of when they started it running, but this time of year has something to it, i guess i like the winter solstice a little more but i'm deeply in this knowing what year it is right now thing...

2006 will feel qualitively different for a little while...

anyway, just pausing while i doll myself up, been into town and got a liberty shirt, the suit coming out...

the party won't be huge but it'll be warm...

and one more number thing... will my visitor counter reach 1666 before the year is out...

(currently 1665)

like anyone cares but me...

but i do care...

happy new year


1 comment:

patroclus said...

Happy New Year, longcat. Hope all goes very well for you in 2006!