Thursday, December 15, 2005

it is done beard rethink

me & my squeeze just sat down and watched the 30 minute long film i made out of the four 7.30 minute long cutup tree films, which are all now completed...

looking back at it the first one could be better aligned, in fact they all could be a little better aligned but definitely that first one, and i may experiment with getting rid of the black edges in them by zooming into them abit... but aside from how i could/will improve them it is damn nice having finished it... the whole project...

i've put them onto a DVD with each of the 4 and the 30 minute combined one... must go out on saturday and get some better looking blank DVD's so i can give it to a couple of people...

the 30 minute film is pretty intense, G said she liked it, reminded her of a text she'd read today about the sabbath... time moving on, but taking one day to step back, the trees staying there while all kinds of madness go on around them...

if i can i'll post the smaller individual ones up somewhere and link to them, the longer one as well but it's less likely i can find a space big enough to host it...

so now my life can go back to whatever i was doing before... so all consuming this film project has been...

my beard has grown really long, it's quite definitely passed some kind of perceptual point because noone i know has resisted the urge to comment on it in the last week...

i'm getting really bored of the comments... well-meaning though they (generally) are...

so tonight after the film i took it down a notch... i'd intended to video my face reading a set line before i did this but having finished the film i've entered a new energy and i had to change... the videoing of my face may happen though, intended as a record of change over a year or so...

my last thursday teaching before christmas tomorrow (later today), followed by my last teaching friday... hmmm, bring on the holiday,



patroclus said...

Oh, post the films on here, definitely.

Videoing your own face over a year sounds quite intense. Like Roquentin in Nausea staring at his own face in the mirror for so long it becomes just a shapeless mass.

Mind you, apparently Sartre was doing a lot of mescaline at the time.

longcat said...

if only i can find the webspace for them..

haven't seen Nausea and in fact all i know of sartre is that he wrote a massive theoretical portrait of genet that genet found suffocating...

i'll try and dig it out...
