Saturday, January 01, 2005

the dadas new year

i always think about a song by baba... can't remember his name now, ananda marga is a school of meditation that follows him as their guru, i was once involved in their community and i was working on some arrangements of his songs...

in the first crimson light of this new years delight...

a different fragment comes back to me at different times, but i loved it, the words and the music, i hope i find it someday, either in my random notes from years back, or sung by some dada, F, who recorded me for love & understanding knew me back then and reminded me of the dada's, one guy in particular i was very fond of called dada acalananda, very tall man, long beard, dressed in orange like they all were, initiated me into the meditation, gave me my mantra and my sanskrit name, ravi, he got posted to germany eventually and i lost track of him, i didn't keep up the meditation, although i still see orange clad dada's or didi's @ andrew cohen talks,

he wrote me a letter that i had blutacked to a table by my bed back then, i remember a time when i was really upset by things but i couldn't cry, i hadn't cried for weeks, one day i was lying on my bed without my glasses on and i just started weeping, and i cried for ages, dam bursting, when i came down to earth a little i put on my glasses and i'd been staring at one word from this letter by dada acalananda, but it was unfocussed so i hadn't consciously read it: brother...

it was around that time that i was doing capoeira and my teacher also gave me a name, curio, and when i'm not longcat on the internet i still call myself ravicurio.

anyway, musings from years back, today is the first day of 2005, last night was lovely, delicious, very funny, the cake was the best cake we'd ever tasted...

looking forward with joy, P here and i'm happy,


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