Wednesday, January 05, 2005

organ oddness gig yes drums on bus sensual lips ONE MONTH

me & P are today (5/01/05) celebrating one month of being together.

ONE MONTH people, that this beatiful woman and me have been stepping out...

just prior to her leaving here, i've been spending a bit of time @ her place.

she's staying in the room of a friend of hers who is away for awhile, the friend has two keyboard type objects in the room, a YAMAHA keyboard (the italian guitarist i used to work with pronounced this word yaMAha - one of the many endearing things about him) and an old organ, a swinger 300... make unknown, the kind with two keyboards and pedals for the bass notes.

it's been odd playing the organ, odd and nice, trying to coordinate my feet to play basslines, working out what all the buttons do, getting different sounds from it... playing the keyboard as a piano is a nice contrast, i just found myself trying to play the skryabin piece and found that it's fairly well buried... doesn't help trying to play it on a keyboard with not enough notes but it's a peculiar pleasure unearthing that piece i sweated over so much only a month or two ago.

i've tentatively said yes to the KYO gig at the end of the month, rehearsals the week before, it'll be interesting to see how all that goes, musically and group dynamically, bumped into rio on a bus last night coming home with P from an odd but lovely night out with her friend C, (great impersonations), rio heading with his drumkit on the bus to that jam session in muswell hill that i've heard about... hmmm...

and i've met P's ex, by turns rude and polite, on balance he seems like a sweet guy, he has pi written out to the 20th decimal place written on his fridge which he wrote out after a teenth of skunk, he remarked that we look similar but that he has more sensual lips...
