Wednesday, January 26, 2005

travelling through time

ok, now it's 12:50 am and i did finally begin the tax return, about an hour ago, in all i spent about 8 hours reading internet comics today, i feel i've achieved something.

i just finished megatokyo... in one scene, piro & seraphim are in london, they make reference to that david blane hanging in a glass box over the thames with no food thing he did, which i remember, tomorrow morning is the start of a 2 week search & reflect intensive (which will be the end of P being my student - as an aside), about a year and a half ago we were teaching an intensive to a different course and i remember going up to the river to see the box... anyway, seeing that frame in the comic connected me with that time, & it occurred to me that the tax return is all about what i did between april 2003 and april 2004, and this afternoon i have read through past episodes of megatokyo spanning at least that time, i've been travelling through the same time i should have been investigating my finances in...

i like that,

i also like this tax return process in general, i know that seems unlikely, given my ability to procrastinate so fully and so lengthily, but trawling through my stuff, trying to find the payslip from the right month, picking up invoices, reciepts, is this from that time? gradually recreating my life back then, making it real for a little while so i can think about my money over that time... the things it brings up, the envelopes with lyrics or notes scribbled on them, books i read back then... an evocation of a past time, from 22 to 10 months ago, a time before i was blogging.

and next year i'll do exactly the same with this time i'm living now...


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