Sunday, October 17, 2004

bash audience book done

went to see the play for the fourth time last night, but this time with some of my housemates, i wish i'd started this a bit sooner, only 5 performances left and now i really want more of my friends to see it. it's funny, with a few people i'm slightly hurt that they haven't yet, and almost certainly won't go and see it, which is not really something i'm liking about myself... understandable though it is. in a wider context i see this play now as a very high quality thing and it would be a shame to miss it, quite apart from my connection to it...

the slightly hurt side of things is to do with a wider thing of having shifted down a gear or three in a certain half assed relationship i'm (not) in. once my lover now my friend as fiona apple has it, what a cruel thing to pretend. although for this once my friend then my lover then my friend then my lover then my friend then my lover then my... is more to the point, you'd think i'd be getting used to that shift by now...

i finished jonathon strange & mr norrell the other day, just after my sister as it goes, that was funny, i'd intended to wake up slowly on wednesday morning and finish it, something which made K almost yell in frustration that i was going to beat her to it, which of course made me enjoy that all the more, but then wednesday didn't go like that at all, and she finished on the way home from work, me just before i went to sleep that night, good book. satisfying, i'm in LRB limbo for now, as i can easily be these days with so many back issues lying around.

oh & i guess i want to blog this, from tuesday night, i went round to josiah's for some dinner and to pick up something B had given her for me, she was on the phone when i arrived. she is on the phone alot these days. so i made myself a cup of tea and went into the kitchen to read the book (still in it then), time passed, i got as far as i wanted to in the book, realising i was that close to the end and not wanting to be interrupted in that last stretch, so i checked the clock & josiah had been on the phone since i arrived for 20 minutes... i made my presence felt, fetched the thing that i'd come to get, josiah still talking, eventually @ 25 minutes & by now she's stopped talking (to D - up in scotland) but had started talking to someone else... & i left, josiah surprised, you don't have to go you know, i raised my eyebrows and glinted my eyes slightly and walked out, my annoyance gone by the time i reached mine (4 minutes later), in fact the annoyance of it pretty much entirely balanced by the action of going, of making that point,

i guess it illustrates josiah's ability to talk, how comfortable i am being there and she with having me there, grace long in bed by this time, but we all step over certain lines with our friends and they let us know if they are good enough friends, i'm going round there now in fact.

cedric nash was with us for 5 days or so this week, he's gone now, backpack on his back, going on the European Social Forum march this afternoon then on to heathrow, india. the ESF which i completely failed to get to at all, there was a talk on the myth of zionism this morning that i could have got to, but you know my bed was sooo nice during that meeting,

balthazara being very loving just now with me,


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