Monday, November 13, 2006

vinyl & mellotron

so i turned 33&3rd yesterday, and though i hadn't organised it we had my 1st vinyl party... W(floopy)shaman rolled up with a few choice disks and i carried some more of my records down to the basement and we played a couple of games of chess (which i won) then proceeded to play cards with dinah & gordy... playing shithead but with a joker thrown in and whoever lost (becoming the shithead) deciding on the joker rule for the next game...

progressively crueller rules coming out...

all to the sound of vinyl...

and then today D came round, who i'm doing some recording for tonight, i took the opportunity (and the momentum) to set up my vintage keys module and i'm loving the mellotron flute sound... i used to use the vintage keys for it's hammond organs and it's possible i may bring it out with me one of these days, for the organs and mellotrons...

and i'm over half way through gilgamesh in a translation by stephen mitchell.. floopy lent it to me ages ago and i've finally picked it up... lovely... epic...


1 comment:

trave said...

Ooooh 33/3rd, eh? I should have sent a card at least, but I'm afraid I forgot!

Happy non-birthday to you anyway. Love to dinah!