Monday, June 19, 2006

router foolishness

had a beautiful weekend, largely drunken...

F & R's wedding on saturday @ which i sang,

Wfloopy (shaman)'s birthday eats on sunday, dinah dressed to the nines looking super glamourous, me shambling along beside her just a shade less scruffy than normal...

the wedding made me think quite abit, emotional of course...

anyway, not so much time to relate it here...

i've managed to lock myself out of my router... clever... turned off the DNS server because i thought each computer had a static IP address anyway, wanted to keep our neighbours from using our bandwidth... Ken... don't know who that is... was leaching from us... he's not now... but then neither are we...

i don't want to reboot the router just yet, even though i know that would fix the problem, i want to see if there's another way, so i can preserve the settings i've put in place...

but look i'm sorry, unusually techy post, but it's what's bothering me...

going to ask brother D about it later tonight when i get in from the cinema extravaganza that i'm going to @ the curzon soho in an hour, a film maker called G who spanna's known all her life, funny guy, hmmm, should make a CD of my theatrical music to give him, could be a route into film music, or at least practise at film music... hmmmm....

anyway, D if you're reading this on monday night could you ring me, (what are you doing saturday night?)



trave said...

ok, bro, i'll phone you tonight.

i don't think anything is planned for saturday... why?

trave said...

did you sort it out? i take it no return call = it worked.