Thursday, November 18, 2004

bukowski gone

very tired now, worked all day on little sleep, both me & my fellow teacher a little ratty through tiredness, sang harbour walls to my students & got a good response, still improvising many of the lyrics although the hackney lyrics are still there...

finished women by charles bukowski before i went out last night to see my sister K & her new place, a little like the sexual life of catherine m or thomas bernard in it's intensity, a strange celebration of women mixed with the odd misogynist remark, a tumult of words that left me feeling flooded & at peace.

a while ago in a series on tv made by jon ronson, a white supremacist lets his liberal facade slip for a moment while discussing with a fellow racist about whether the oriental woman they've just been talking to is a high yellow. wierd to read the same lingo on the lips of bukowski's protagonist in an airport bar near the end of the book, bukowski mentions the celine book journey to the end of the night which i'd like to read, somehow my impression of celine is tinged with dodgy beliefs... i have no idea why,.. then there's the elderly knut hamson, (also talked about in women) who, close to death, allows his name to be linked with the nazi's...

writers i love who carry the bullshit of the time they were part of...

so now i'm reading night of the hunter by.. i can't think of his name right now, the book that was made into that robert mitchum film, very scary film, robert mitchum menacing as anything, the film appears to be very close to the book so i'm finding it a little dull right now, the film very clear in my head, but i've been so tired since i've started reading it i haven't really been in the right space.

got paid today, ordering some food, then my richly deserved bed,

strange state i'm in these days, not uncommon, weather in london hideous today...


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