Sunday, March 13, 2005

fractal time honesty


that was a long time coming,

just had a long awaited conversation with K, my housemate and sometime musical collaborator, about my band, that he was involved in, and how i want to move forward with it without him...

i explained why, and he took it in a marvellous way, saw the truth in what i was saying, came back with something else to think about and was understanding all round...

this partly through another housemate S talking to me about something he didn't like last weekend, the fact that he'd brought it up with me really impressed me and in the end i bit the bullet and spoke to K...

honesty always the way forward.

and then just a small note to say that i've been experimenting with the timewave, a theory of novelty put forward by terence mckenna, using a piece of software called fractal time, i don't know if it has any implications for history or indeed for the future (including the 21st of december 2012) but i am enjoying checking out the fractal, finding the shape of it, the different orders of magnitude that it looks similar on...


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