Tuesday, August 15, 2006

report from out there

right now i'd like to be working on the film... so this is a kind of pointless post, just expressing that, i'm @ work in dagenham on my lunch break...

i've been inducted into the langdon corrupted ladies crew... even though i'm not a lady and i don't go to langdon school... but longcat is in amongst the tags on the board as part of that crew... only they don't spell either corrupted or ladies like that...

the different names they go under... teenagers... one of the levels of names my students go under is: cabbage, pants - the same 2 are also called younga kiddi & tubbzy... the 2nd of which is a name balthazara gets called when people think she's over weight...

i got so excited last night when i made the piano float in over the thames path images and then recede like a ghost... i so want to be making that film... although between here and the finished thing there is a lot of menial work..

also the text needs to be written... i bring my notebook into work these days but yesterday on the way in my head was full of the approaching day/week and on the way home i was really tired, sort of fell asleep on the train a couple of times...

this morning i was trying to dodge the train ticket collector amongst other things... strange to be doing these things when you're 33 but needs must...

anyway... rabbiting on as i do... i hope you're all well...

bless the ceasefire in lebanon & long may it last x

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