Thursday, August 24, 2006


i heard a rumour that the metropolitan police are cracking down in the next two weeks on bicyclists who run red lights... go the wrong way down one way streets... ride on the pavement...

as a proud london cyclists who does all of the above i'm keeping myself in check for the afore mentioned time period... an interesting yoga...

i popped into town to see fearless @ the prince charles cinema this afternoon, which was great, although chinese hollywood so a little black & white but very good none the less - that jet li huh?

then afterwards i cruised over to the location of my film and improvised a vocal part just to see how it felt... before heading up to holborn to meet my boobelah and hold hands a little before she went to work...

it proved to be one of those many, many photo days... the light around 7ish just being beautiful...

i found the grand lodge & have decided to go on a guided tour some day soon... i strolled in but it was only open because they were having a meeting...

a masonic meeting...


i was taking loads of pictures in this pedestrian alleyway thing near dinah's theatre and on leaving the alley i found one of the 1977 silver jubilee walkway things in the ground... that 1977 silver jubilee walkway sure gets around... it extends to where my film is by the thames...

cool... considering blending a few more found images into the film, according to the speech... which is the next thing to be done... all else waits for the words as we were once waiting for the music (notice how i referred to myself as we there - being as i am the entire production team on this film...)

oh and i woke up with a gammy eye... maybe a sty... eating well today as i think it's related to feeling rundown...


1 comment:

felinity said...

Hello. I have Dinah's chinese slippers (Dad gave them to me when I was home and I have transported them as far as Tooting).

And I haven't seen you for ages. Do you want to go to the pictures next week?

K x