Saturday, March 25, 2006

trading wake ups

boobelah goes to synagogue on a saturday morning, or at least she'd like to, before she was going out with me she went every week...

it's an 8:30 start and she does a double show afterwards, getting home around 11pm, big day...

anyway she hasn't been so good at getting out of bed since we've been together (which has been 6 months now in the unofficial calender - half a year ago today we sat down to watch night of the living dead together in all innocence...) and i've been promising her for weeks now that i'll get up at 8:30 on a saturday morning and make her a mocha to ease her into the day...

whic frankly was a pie-crust promise until today, every friday night in recent weeks i've been drunk and stoned and 8:30 on the saturday morning has passed me by at a discreet distance, trying and succeeding not to to wake me...

and last night we drank a little bit too, me & boobelah got in a bottle of rose and gorby (another G in the house - does the cleaning) joined us, getting out the limoncello once the bottle had gone...

you know sometimes when you've been drinking you just wake up at an ungodly hour whether you want to or not?

anyway that was me this morning at 8:20am... suddenly conscious despite all my efforts, so i got up and made the mocha... made her happy... went back to sleep with a smug smile on my face... she went off to the synagogue... all was well...

and then i was woken about 4 hours later by my boobelah coming into the room and telling me that there was a cup of tea and breakfast waiting for me down in the kitchen... lovely surprise enough just to see her, normally she's out all day... and that she'd cooked breakfast...?

the jubilee line had broken and so she couldn't get to the synagogue, i sat down to a manolis style breakfast, timed to perfection, with the tea cooling to the perfect temperature just as i finished the food...

i love that woman...


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