Friday, February 17, 2006

routes and dark places

went with spski to the NFT yesterday to see kinoautomat, 1967 czech film where the audience votes on which choice the character makes...

interesting, some very funny bits... i found it a little unsatisfying but spski loved it...

anyway, on the way back he took me a route that we've cycled together once before and it's a good one so i tried to remember it...

we passed very close to where my G works and she'll be cycling to work any day now so i'm having a look at routes for her too (not that she's incapable of finding her own route, she's been pouring over maps...),

taught today and afterwards i ambled (can you amble on a bicycle?) down the river for awhile before deciding to try and recreate spski's route...

got it just about, i could have chopped off a corner here and there but i think i've got it, and it's 4.17 miles from right by G's work, as opposed to 4.79 miles, the route i've been following up until now...

oh and the dark places... very eerie... oh yes...

i was walking G up to a watt's session on tuesday, up the disused railway, and she was telling me that she'd walked it once before with shaman (fellow wattage) and they'd walked down a long dark tunnel... well every time i've reached the end of the disused that long, dark tunnel (one of two) has been locked...

i assumed that they must have walked down it a long time ago, but no, she told me, this was late last year...

so yesterday, pre NFT, i jumped on the £10 bike and i set off up the disused, listening to the chords of the song i'm trying to write... it had rained and hailed earlier on in the day and it was very muddy up there, even though the sky was blue, i got covered in black mud, black mud that still clings to my shoes, i kind of like it, very unlondon...

i reached the highgate end and indeed the 2 tunnels were unlocked, at least that end of them, so i locked up the bike and i explored...

pretty scary, even though it was bright outside it was very dark in the tunnels. at intervals along the walls there are hollows that are probably locked doors, or just hollows maybe, almost certainly only about a foot deep, but it's so dark you can't tell, for all you know they could go back much further... i'd seen a bunny version of night of the living dead (me & G's 1st date movie) earlier on in the afternoon and i was scaring myself by thinking of zombies...

the other end is locked but you can see into the now overgrown highgate overground station, another fear that plagued me was that someone would come and lock the other end and i'd be stuck in there...

after i'd been all the way down both tunnels and satisfied myself that there were no monsters/homeless people lurking about i started singing into the tunnel i was in, a strange metallic resonance down there that was very satisfying, changing depending on where in the tunnel you are... i wonder what's happening acoustically...?

i'll definately be going back there...


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