Tuesday, February 14, 2006


(this is how obssessed i am with this game...)

so i was trying to write some lyrics to one of my tunes, about how G sleeps better than i do... and i realised that i was really tired... so i took a nap...

this was around 7ish, woke up around 10ish, really confused, irish G & her A were in the kitchen and i tried a little of her sugar-free cake which was great... very different as a genre to the ordinary cake, but great none-the-less...

i've been called a geek already once today, to carry on in that vein, i'd like to welcome my 2200th visitor... which will happen pretty soon i think... maybe i should offer a prize..?

walked up the disused with G earlier, dropping her off at a watts rehearsal i walked a little further to crouchend, passed Dunn's bakers, considered cake... (just as britney spear's hit me baby came randomly on my ipod shuffle, she's on there because she was a mystery tune for my teaching on monday night (successfully got by one student)... and the production on that tune is so sugary... i found it quite compulsive for a minute or so... then headed straight for the cake shop...)

i resisted cake (for once) and did what i had to do then got the bus home, just stopping in briefly to pick up my book (louis theroux's call of the wierd, christmas present from trave & M) and my bike and then headed out to manolis's, ate very well then was driven to just cycle randomly awhile, west of holloway road, the day giving a certain light...

so anyway, the lyrics must continue... could be something brewing...


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