Tuesday, April 12, 2005

tense confusion despatched full of grace chinese girl

so i just got an email from the company i'm buying the camera from, the camera i ordered over a week ago, and it says:

We are pleased to inform you that the following item was despatched on

which is tomorrow, so surely it should say:

We are pleased to inform you that the following item will be despatched on

however, tenses be damned the thing is finally coming...

my sister K would appreciate the wrongness of their sentence, and it was she who came with me tonight to see maria full of grace which was marvellous, moved me to tears, although not as much as it would have done had the film not stopped... TWICE... BOTH times at CRUCIAL moments in the film, they gave us a free film each at some point in the future (well, before september) which was nice of them, although entirely our due, it was a little like when trains stop in tunnels and you start talking to the people around you... the unexpected community of accidents...

i loved the film, K slightly less so i think... we wagamama'd afterwards after finding our way half by instinct and half by luck through the twisting streets of covent garden...

on the way to the cinema, i was reading the ambidextrous universe on the tube when i happened to notice the box that was in my fellow travellers bag, which was on the seat next to me (she was two seats away)...

CHINESE GIRL caught my attention and i started reading this box... full lips, strong breasts, inviting... HANG ON A MINUTE

this is a family show ladies and gentlemen but i doubt you'll be surprised when i tell you that the name of the product had been slightly hidden, it actually said



so i spoke to the woman, this is really rude of me but i can't help but ask... and she told me she'd found the box... empty, on the train one day and had been keeping it at college, she was taking it home today...? i ended up trying to recount the closing moments of bogeyman that i saw a few weeks ago and she'd fallen asleep in the other night... almsot got to the crucial bit when she had to get off the train... always the way with random train conversations, they are going to a different stop to you...

and finally, i'm expanding my work horizons tomorrow by going to see another college about a few hours work a week... only a step but a significant one for me... that's all...


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