Tuesday, April 12, 2005

old and new cameras

just uploaded lots of the pictures i took this early evening by the river to my flickr... a whole load of photos of the sky reflected in the surface of the water collecting on a long step, the tide was going out, so water was being left places as the waves receded... i find those photos hypnotic but it's quite possible they're also... boring... but not to me (not yet anyway)...

i finally found out what's happening with my new camera, for some reason i hadn't checked my gmail account for awhile and that was where the email from them was, with an easy link to where is my camera that i ordered and paid for OVER A WEEK AGO?... they didn't have it in stock, despite clearly saying that they did have it in stock when i ordered it... so it's coming... should be here within the next few days...

and it kind of makes me feel nostalgic for my camera phone... nostalgic clearly the wrong word as i'm still using it now, but... a little like when i move house, which i used to do roughly once a year in my early london days... each trip to the shops, or just up the street, an awareness that you won't be doing that much longer...

except that i will still use my camera phone - i won't always have my NEW camera with me i guess...

just looking at my photos on flickr, then looking at other people's photos with more pixels... that'll be me...

any day now x

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