Sunday, September 28, 2008


leaving aside the fact that this week's improvisation took 30 hours to render (because of foolishness), in a normal week, with this new way of working with dailymotion,

let's say 9 hours of rendering, plus 2 hours of uploading...

set against 3 hours rendering and about an hour's uploading...

that's quite a bit of extra time, every week,

when i 1st started making video's i was rendering bits of video which took 30 minutes or so, sometimes as much as an hour and i was surprised... i had my rhodes right there by the computer and in the period i wrote a number of different chord sequences, 2 of which became songs for my dinah (the neurotic love song, long may this be true)...

over time i got used to the amount of time video took to render, it became less special, the time flew by and i didn't necessarily do anything productive like writing chords...

but this new paradigm, it's such a leap in terms of time, i'm really noticing it and it's like a gift of time, time i can't spend in front of this computer....

i'm reading more,

harmonic experience is looking at me with a suggestive tilt... motioning (or implying motion) towards the harmonium...

i have an album to write now, i don't know if i've mentioned it, but i think i want to do an album, songs from the past few years, including pre-dinah tunes like:

love is lies,
harbour walls,
on my mind,

and then dinah's:

long may this be true,
the neurotic love song,
it ain't gonna stop,

the stranger tune...

when i wake up? - maybe,

and then who knows how many other tunes i have yet to write...

also, while i've got this small work life i want to take advantage of the freedom,


PS - i didn't get out of bed before 11:30, the dawn project part 2 will have to wait a little longer x

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