Sunday, September 28, 2008

dawn project part 2

so, i know it sounds unlikely, but i think i'm getting up very early tomorrow to check out the dawn project part 2...

when i do it it will only take half a day, from 8am ish to around 1 pm...

i want one of these amazing days like we've had for the last few...

my moog improvisation is still rendering, it's rendered twice already, i downloaded some software for an obscure purpose and it messed up my rendering, even though it wasn't involved in said rendering at all, it messed it up,

and i didn't work it out until after i'd rendered it twice, 10 hours each time,

i'm fairly sure i've fixed the problem, the piece of software was a demo and it said it would only work for a few minutes until i registered it,

well what they didn't say was that they would also make someone else's codec (which is free, and which i was using already) not work for more than a few minutes...

the LAME mp3 codec that i use with virtualdub to achieve nice high bitrates for mp3 audio, this retard piece of software made this not work after a couple of minutes of audio...

this is what i think happened... tomorrow i'll wake up and before i go and investigate the dawn project part 2 & i will see whether this last render has worked or not...

i uninstalled the troublesome program, reinstalled all my codecs...

fingers crossed...


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