Sunday, June 24, 2007

strings sunday

so, on friday T told me that the string session had to be tonight, sadly i'll be missing part of W(floopy)shaman's birthday bash for it but needs must...

so today, as well as doing my customary sunday thing with dinah, learning up another part of the handel piece that's hard, i'm putting together my string arrangement for anti-stardust...

i've been working on T's strings for a few sessions and i'm taking the opportunity of the session to record my own stuff as well, just this one tune...

it still could fall off the end of the session but i don't think it will...

so here i am, not a whole heap of sleep after a great night for me, dinah & Gordy @ dr K's... running MIDI strings through cubase, that will then convert into printed notes, that will then sit in front of real string players that will then become part of anti-stardust...


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