Thursday, May 19, 2005

thursday rituals

slept as long as i could this morning, still in a deficit after this mad week, 2 men in our house today replacing the boiler, my sleep gently interrupted every now and then by one of them coming in and tinkering with the radiator...

i so love having a day off in the week, particularly now i'm working over in hammersmith on a wednesday, and with that mad report writing engulfing the start of the week... to get up slowly as i like, open the guardian weekly that arrives on a thursday... gently peruse it...

found myself almost moved to tears by this piano man today, i resonate with him hugely, hasn't said a word since he was picked up on a wind swept island in kent, smartly dressed with all the labels ripped out, spent much of the last month visibly frightened by those around him until he's put in from of a piano where he finds peace, he plays some classical tunes but mostly what appears to be his own melancholy tunes...


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