Thursday, March 08, 2007


got out of bed to pump dinah's tire up, and now i've had a tea and done that i'm reluctant to go back to bed...

so i've also finished the marking i've been doing in the last week...

it's a beautiful day and i want to get out there in the sunshine on my beautiful bike...

i have to be at work in 3 hours over in hammersmith...

and my other work - londonbridgework as i call it here - has a new website with a sort of myspace profile thing in it, i've uploaded some tracks to my profile over there, basically it's just for students and tutors and it's a little limited right now, nice to have another mp3 home though x


Thespis said...

You are not the real Longcat! I am!

Thespis said...

Nice of you to send your goons after a poor defenseless cat. Good thing I'm so awesome that I'm not that scared of them. Although one of them was scared enough of me to post anonymous. Doesn't matter, everyone knows I'm the true Longcat! just look at my picture. I'm trully LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGG!! Have a great day.
