Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Billy Childish is Dead

people come to this blog for the strangest things...

our 5555th visitor was searching the web for the above, the medway based punk influenced billy childish, from somewhere in london, sitemeter tells me it was bromley but i've learnt not to trust it's locations within london...

to my 5555th visitor on the night of the equinox... something kind of cool there...

i'm stuck @ work trawling through the mountain of paperwork i've been putting off, sadly it doesn't look like i'll get through it all tonight as i'm scooting up to W(floopy)shaman & T's for an equinox fire this evening and then it's early to bed so i can rise bright and madly early for the dawn project tomorrow...

so i've got to push on...

a good lesson today but then they almost always are on a wednesday this semester...

and i was playing the piano in the break and i had to keep reminding myself that nothing is wrong... this project to shift my sleep really messes with my emotional state...

strange days...


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