Saturday, February 10, 2007

week 34 goodbye space echo

1stly, i just want to say i am not one of those bloggers who post single sentence - i'm just doing this now posts...

evidence to the contrary below i know and it does look kind of refreshing in amongst all the wordiness... it's just not going to be that way... go on go, walk out the door, turn around now, you're not welcome anymore... those of you drawn to single sentence posts...

we were just about to go and i thought i had 3 minutes instead of 30 seconds...

i have my own cat balthazara on my lap as i write this, which is pretty strange, she looks down at my fingers every now and then like she's reading the words i'm typing... maybe she is...?

are you?

if the answer is yes then lift your head up and nuzzle my nose...

no, either she didn't want her secret to be known or she wasn't reading, she's gone now...

as is the ROLAND space echo... E phoned earlier and asked if today would be convenient for picking up his technological boxes... being the projector and the space echo, both borrowed for the early december gig... very glad to have had that space echo in my possession for 3 months... a little sad that it's gone, but looking forwards and thinking of the WEM copicat that's still here, maybe finding a way to use it in the live band...

i did an improvisation with the space echo before it went, slihtly illegal being as i did an improvisation for this week on monday, but then i did miss that week in august... i think this is just me catching up...

i'll be doing week 35 next week and everything will work out nicely...

it was 20 minutes long and if i have my way it's sat up there at the top of this post as you read this...

ok i'm going to the shops...


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