Thursday, January 25, 2007

welcome 5000th visitor

...(since july 23rd 2005)

which was roughly a year? i think since i started blogging...

was it really 2004 when i started this thing...? yes indeed, june 2004...

anyway, as i did almost a thousands visits ago i will bestow upon my 5000th visitor some kind of geographical reference...

there, now that's an incentive if ever i offered one...

long day of travelling by public transport today, gigging tomorrow and my keyboard has to be where we're rehearsing so that i can cycle from my work in the morning...

so it meant that i strapped it to my back and braved the tube down to kennington this morning, dropping it off and getting straight back on the tube to go to hammersmith, where i stayed an extra hour beyond my regular classes (but why?) which put me right in the rushhour as i caught the tube home again...

were those mad storms last thursday? yes i believe so... so that's two thursday's in a row that i've been tubing it to hammersmith... last week because of aforementioned storm and wind... i remember getting off the tube @ finsbury park to a veritable wall of commuters... fighting my way out of the tube doors, more fighting just to make my way off the platform...

dismembered limbs and blood all around me and i had to wash my sword on the...

hang on...

no, no, no...

so why did i stay an extra hour at hammersmith?

because my boss turned down my idea for splitting up my two classes over there into those who find it easier and those who find it harder, as recompense she offered me an extra hour or perhaps two if there was interest from the students, a space where select students could get more attention from me... and this week 5/6 students took up that offer... more hourage for me and also potentially a good learning situation, early days thereof today but hopeful...

you know, i think the mad storms were two weeks ago... can't be sure...

what all this tubing did for me today was give me an opportunity to read from 2012 the year of the mayan prophesy by daniel pinchbeck that Wfloopy(shaman) & T have leant me... it's turning out to be very good... (set me up for a satisfying fantasy the other day where i was somehow the chosen one writhing in spiritual agony while a blinding light created a crop circle around me)...

oh... and i've had a notion about my weekly improvisations... i don't know if there's interest enough for this, but i thought i could offer for sale a cd of whichever improvisations people wish... each one typically 15 minutes long, so you could fit 5 on a cd...

but how to make them nice not just the usual burnt cd's i can do myself... hmmm... cdbaby?

anyway, i'm rambling...

welcome oh 5000th visitor, your presence is a present...


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