Monday, December 25, 2006

sorry for myself

a little anyway...

yesterday i starting throwing up in the afternoon and i slept very badly last night...

so today i'm a little out of sorts, still not all better... and as a precautionary measure i'm missing christmas day dinner...

which is undoubtedly for the best but it is a bit rubbish...

my boobelah just phoned which pleases me though... and it turns out one of her nephews had a stomach bug which has felled both her mum and her sister in a similar way to my sickness... so that's probably where it came from...

ok, online gig business:

this page on deoxy gives you the gen... and... hang on...

basically you download the ventrilo client software and install it, then click on this link and i'll be there next saturday @ 9pm (GMT)


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