Wednesday, April 06, 2005

brave new world of light jam fruits

strange and wondrous day...

meant to wake up @ 9 when the windowcleaner came... thus helping me shift me sleep cycle earlier and getting my windows cleaned... so keen am i for this...

but i was up 'til 3 faffing about on soulseek and i was in no mood to arise when dr K knocked on my door this morning, leaving said door wide open, i drift back into my dreams...

next thing i know my landlord and the handyman are in my room looking at my shelves.. surreal experience this is... i ask my landlord about the window cleaner, he's not coming, could you pull the door shut on your way out please?

arise a few hours later... excitedly check downstairs to see if my new camera has arrived... no luck...

then spend hours just waltzing through soulseek, listening to many, many gems... oh my shuffle i could fill you again and again and again...

finally get dressed, open my curtains and it's clearly been raining but the sun is shining...


blue skies even now, a freshness from the rain with beautiful light... light like the camera in my phone can't deal with... but that my new camera....

but it's not here yet...

and i got an email from ramjac... with a link to the first recording i've heard from our jam sessions... it'll live over there in the links... enjoy, (that's me on the keys - except for some dicordant stabs from A)...


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