Monday, March 07, 2005

tidal tetris jamming

still honing in on that last line or two of harbour walls... i've put another link in, this one to a java game of tetris that my brother D made ages ago, it has my music in it...

and then because tides are in my brain i wanted to recount sunday...

when i met with D (not the book about cars), @ the south bank, (also saw the pigs on their way to see solaris), a lovely time, i'd seen him last saturday @ spanna's party but hadn't really spoken, much to discuss as ever...

we left the NFT and browsed a little in the bookstall that is right there under waterloo bridge and for the first time i took in the beauty of that view, from directly outside the NFT, looking under the bridge, so symmetrical, such a gift of perspective.. took a picture that might do it justice which i'll post when i get my dongle in again (ooer missus)...

also there were some young musicians - a sax player and two hang players, i'll let the link tell you about the hang... developed only recently by the swiss.. (those crafty swiss)... lovely sound, D getting their details - maybe recording them...?

then me & him descended to the beach, the water receding, a lovely stroll in the crisp air, talking about the world - as ever...

we walked as far as london bridge where we parted company and i headed to brick lane for a jam session - the same people as this jam session back in june, amazing that it's been that long since i played with them, didn't take my keyboard this time, synth madness, although A, the guy who owns the studio found me a rhodes sound for some of the tracks...

E rapping and singing in danish by the end of the night, crazy, crazy french drummer (sorry, merci, sorry, sorry, merci, sorry so many words coming from that man's mouth)- nice bass playing from another frenchman (A also french) - with ramjac providing insane synth / drumming / percussioning...

some nice stuff came out i think, also found out that on listening to the jam session i was involved with back in june they've selected a couple of tracks - not that i've heard them yet... i'm a little unclear about what the destination is for the tracks they select...?


ramjac drove me home, listening to some stuff he's working on with dr das, after bagels and soup on brick lane...

had not quite enough sleep and then headed off to school for my pleasant surprise... (see the other post today)


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